Carbon Dioxide Removal
More coming soon...

Soon, we will provide some dedicated content for getting you up to speed on Carbon Removal. In the meantime, check out these resources written by some of the leading voices in the industry:

Non-technical CDR introductions for newbies

  • (Blog) Ryan Obruch’s blog aimed at introducing non-technical folks to CDR
  • (Video) Stephanie Arcusa’s short video introducing the ‘What, When & How?’ of CDR
  • (Article) Zeke Hausfather writes in the NYT on why shouldn’t pretend trees alone will save us 
  • (Article) Klaus Lackner explains how Direct Air Capture works to Fast Company

The CDR Primer

  • A fantastic online resource written with the help of 40 leading CDR authors over two years. High-level overviews of all the major CDR techniques as well as social and economic concerns handled with complexity and nuance. Simply a must read for any newcomer to the field, technical or not.

Engaging profiles of leading CDR projects

Courses and resource indexes to dive deeper:

  • Airminers Boot Up is a 5-week sprint to learn about carbon removal
  • Open Air Collective resources tab has a brilliant library or reading materials for different audiences